Saturday, May 16, 2009

Congress + Allies = Bulls are Back


Its been a long time since, i have written something on this page of mine and when i see the outcome of the elections, it gave a support to my claims of thinking long term. We have seen the most outstanding election results in favor of Congress, specially Dr. Singh. Singh is King indeed.

As i have always been saying that we should be thinking long term, the chosen govt will ensure that whatever i was saying is correct. In the coming 5 years, we may see the ups and the downs, but i can assure you on one thing. A rupee invested in the start of 2009 will be rupees 10 by the time these 5 years are over.

Its time to choose carefully. Stocks which are heavy weights, stock which are down almost 50 to 60 percent from their lifetime highs. I believe infrastructure sector and its ancillaries will prove to be a good investment so consider choosing them along with the ones i have already mentioned in my previous posts.

I am tempted to predict that We will be witnessing a rally of about 2000 points on sensex in the coming week or two, could be the sharpest and fastest 2000 point rally. Lets see if i get this right or not.

Happy Investing......