Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Satyam : Riding a Tiger

The moment i read Mr. B Ramalinga Raju's letter to the board, my expression was oooooooooooooooooooooo Shhhhhhhttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt . How the hell did he carried it so long.

I think what he did is for the better of the company and the stakeholders. I hope the shareholders will stand by his decision. His life from today onwards will be nothing less then a living hell and knowing that what he did is nothing less then what we should call as Noble. I have not even a iota of doubt in my mind while pridicting that he may take a life ending step in the days to come. I hope his near and dear ones stand by him in this period and take care of him.

The facts he has revealed about the balance sheet of the company , the widening gaps in the revenues and inflated numbers are no less then a straw of hope for the company. I believe the corrective steps can be taken and the gaps will be bridged but am not sure how long will it take. or does the rest of the management is capable of it. I have no idea about the management of the company or its officials, but i sincerely beleive, that they will take some prudent steps to keep the satyam light alive. I am sure one of the three biggies ie infy, wipro and tcs will come forward to acquire satyam in the days to come. I think it will be a steal at these level.

I dont know, how come the auditors failed in their jobs. A BIG ???????????? lets see if sebi takes them into account too.

I sincerly believe that he did attempt to eliminate the gaps, but it was not to be. Not in a situation where no one exept him knows the actual position. I think, he should have entrusted someone to share what he called a tremedeous burden. But the second thought comes, it can never be possible that no one except him knows it. he named n number of people in his letter to board. Is he trying to save them and take all the credit to himself and become a martyr. I want to believe the second thought and it seems logical and practical.

I suspected something fishy about satyam and mentioned it in my last post, but i never thought that its a big whale circling the island. But the fact remains that IT HAPPENS ONLY IN INDIA.

I dont know what to write more.......... would like to see what the LAWS of the LAND does in this whole thing.